Question and answer session

Question and answer session
A Question and Answer (Q&A) session is a time during a presentation or discussion where audience members can ask questions to the speaker or panelists to clarify information, seek further explanation, or share their thoughts. The speaker or panelists then respond to these questions in real-time to engage with the audience and enhance their understanding of the topic being discussed.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate a "question and answer session" into your next learning design, as a learning designer, follow these simple steps: 1. **Prepare Relevant Questions**: Develop a series of thought-provoking questions related to the topic or content being taught. 2. **Integrate Questions Into Content Delivery**: Incorporate these questions strategically throughout your learning materials or presentation. 3. **Encourage Interaction**: Encourage the learners to actively engage with the questions, either individually or in groups. 4. **Facilitate Discussion**: Allow time for learners to discuss and answer the questions either verbally or in writing. 5. **Provide Feedback**: Offer feedback on the answers provided, correct misunderstandings, and clarify any concepts if necessary. 6. **Repeat**: Throughout the session, continue to pose questions to reinforce learning and encourage critical thinking. By implementing this method, you can promote active learning, foster engagement, and deepen understanding of the subject matter among your learners. This interactive approach helps to solidify knowledge retention and enhance overall learning outcomes.


Suitable for

A question and answer session is suitable for engaging learners in active participation, checking comprehension of the material, and providing clarification on any confusing concepts. It is appropriate to use after a presentation, lecture, or training session to allow learners to consolidate their understanding, address any uncertainties, and further delve into the topic. A question and answer session can also promote critical thinking and encourage a deeper level of engagement with the content.


Unsuitable for

A question and answer session is unsuitable for situations where the audience may not have enough background knowledge to generate meaningful questions or where the topic is highly sensitive or personal. It is inappropriate to use a question and answer session when attempting to deliver critical or time-sensitive information that requires a more controlled and focused delivery method, such as during an emergency or when addressing complex and nuanced subjects that may be misunderstood or misinterpreted without proper context and explanation.


Requires / leads from

Before conducting a question and answer session with learners, it is important to ensure that they have a foundational understanding of the topic being discussed. This can be achieved through prior instruction, readings, or activities that provide the necessary background knowledge. Additionally, encouraging critical thinking skills and active participation can help learners engage more meaningfully during the Q&A session, leading to a more productive and enriching experience for all involved.


Leads to

A question and answer session can prepare learners by solidifying their understanding of the material, addressing any confusion or misconceptions, and promoting critical thinking skills. This interactive dialogue can also build confidence in students to participate in discussions, express their thoughts, and engage with classmates. In the future, these skills developed during question and answer sessions can lead to improved communication, problem-solving abilities, and a deeper comprehension of complex concepts in various learning environments.


Typical duration

Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by

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Question and answer session

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