Case-Based Problem Solving

Case-Based Problem Solving
Learners analyse and solve complex problems based on real or hypothetical scenarios.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate case-based problem solving in your next learning design, start by selecting real-world cases relevant to the learners' area of study. Present the case study to the learners, highlighting the challenges or issues within it. Encourage the learners to analyze the case, identify the problems, and propose potential solutions. Guide the learners through a systematic approach to problem-solving, encouraging them to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations. Provide resources such as articles, videos, or expert interviews to deepen their understanding of the case and potential solutions. Facilitate discussions or group activities where learners can collaborate and exchange ideas. Encourage learners to critically evaluate the proposed solutions within the context of the case study, considering different perspectives and potential consequences. Finally, encourage learners to reflect on the problem-solving process, identifying key takeaways and lessons learned that can be applied to future scenarios. By incorporating case-based problem solving in your learning design, you can enhance the learners' critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations.


Suitable for

When the objective is to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This method allows learners to apply theoretical knowledge to practical situations by analyzing and solving real-life cases. It encourages active learning, as students or professionals are actively engaged in discussions, brainstorming solutions, and making decisions based on their understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, this method promotes collaboration and teamwork as participants share their perspectives and ideas to solve complex problems. Overall, the Case-Based Problem Solving method is an effective approach for fostering analytical skills and preparing individuals for real-world challenges in their respective fields.


Unsuitable for

The case-based problem solving assessment method may be unsuitable in a higher education or professional development learning experience when the learning objectives require a more theoretical or conceptual understanding of the subject matter. This method heavily relies on practical application and decision-making based on real-life scenarios, which may not align with the learning goals that focus on critical analysis, theoretical frameworks, or broad understanding of concepts. In such cases, alternative assessment methods like written exams or research papers may be more appropriate to assess students' comprehension and ability to apply theoretical knowledge.


Requires / leads from

They need effective problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.


Leads to

a deeper understanding and mastery of their subject matter through successful completion of a Case-Based Problem Solving assessment method.


Typical duration

Learner centricity

Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by



Case-Based Problem Solving

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