Career development plan review

Career development plan review
Review the learner's career development plan to assess their progression in reaching career objectives and goals during the placement or apprenticeship.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate the 'career development plan review' method in your learning design, first, have the learners create their career development plans. Next, set a specific timeframe for them to work on their goals. After the set period, ask the learners to review their progress and accomplishments based on the plan. Encourage them to reflect on what went well and areas needing improvement. Provide a structured template or guide for the learners to document their reflections. This will help them map out their career growth effectively. Facilitate a one-on-one or group discussion where the educator can guide the learners in identifying opportunities for further development based on the review. Additionally, suggest resources or strategies to help them achieve their career objectives. Encourage the learners to set new goals or revise existing ones based on their review. Finally, establish a follow-up session to check in on their progress and support them in staying motivated and focused on their career development journey. This approach fosters self-awareness, accountability, and continuous learning, promoting meaningful career growth.


Suitable for

When individuals are seeking to evaluate and reflect on their career goals and progress. This assessment method allows individuals to review their current skills, knowledge, and experience, and identify areas for improvement or development to achieve their career objectives. It can be particularly beneficial for students or professionals who are navigating their career path and aiming to align their educational or professional development choices with their long-term goals. The Career Development Plan Review assessment method provides a structured framework for individuals to assess their strengths, set realistic goals, and develop action plans to enhance their career prospects.


Unsuitable for

The career development plan review assessment method may be unsuitable in a higher education or professional development learning experience when it focuses solely on short-term goals and ignores the long-term aspirations of the individuals involved. While the review process may be effective in evaluating immediate progress and identifying areas for improvement, it may fail to address the holistic growth and success of the individuals over time. Additionally, if the assessment method does not provide opportunities for self-reflection, collaboration, and adaptability, it may not align with the broader learning goals and objectives of higher education or professional development experiences.


Requires / leads from

To enhance the effectiveness of the Career Development Plan Review teaching method, educators or instructional designers should evaluate the learner's career development plan to gauge their advancement towards achieving career objectives and goals throughout the placement or apprenticeship. This assessment helps track progress and identify areas needing improvement.


Leads to

Review the learner's career development plan to evaluate their progress in achieving career goals and objectives throughout the placement or apprenticeship. This method can help educators guide individuals towards their desired career paths post-program completion.


Typical duration


Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by



Career development plan review

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