Automated grading of assignment

Automated grading of assignment
Computer-based assessment of a written assignment includes document analysis, plagiarism detection, and automated alignment to a grading rubric. This aids educators in grading assignments efficiently and accurately.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate automated grading of assignments in your next learning design as a learning designer, follow these steps to streamline the assessment process and enhance the learning experience for the learner: 1. Choose a suitable learning management system (LMS) that supports automated grading features. Look for platforms like Moodle, Blackboard, or Canvas that offer this functionality. 2. Create assignment questions or tasks that can be easily graded by a computer, such as multiple-choice, true/false, or fill-in-the-blank questions. 3. Set up the grading criteria and correct answers in the LMS beforehand to ensure accurate automated assessment. 4. Provide clear instructions to learners on how the automated grading system works and what is expected of them in terms of completing and submitting their assignments. 5. Encourage learners to take practice quizzes or assignments to familiarize themselves with the automated grading process and receive instant feedback on their performance. 6. Monitor the automated grading results regularly to identify any patterns or issues that may require manual intervention or adjustments to the grading criteria. By implementing automated grading of assignments in your learning design, you can save time for educators, provide immediate feedback to learners, and promote a more efficient and engaging educational experience.


Suitable for

When the assignments primarily focus on objective and easily quantifiable criteria. This method works well for assessments that involve multiple-choice questions, true/false statements, or mathematical calculations where the correct answers can be objectively determined. Additionally, automated grading is beneficial when dealing with a large number of assignments that need to be graded within a short period. It saves time and effort for instructors or evaluators, allowing them to focus on providing more meaningful feedback on subjective assessments. However, it may not be appropriate for assignments that require subjective or open-ended responses, as these types of assessments often require human judgment to evaluate responses accurately.


Unsuitable for

Automated grading may not be appropriate for assignments that require subjective or open-ended responses, as these types of assessments often require human judgment to evaluate responses accurately. It may be less suitable when complex or subjective assignments are involved. Assignments that require critical thinking, creativity, or personal interpretation cannot be effectively graded by an automated system. Similarly, tasks that involve open-ended questions or essays with multiple possible correct answers may not be accurately assessed using an automated grading system. in these cases, human evaluation and feedback are essential to provide comprehensive and nuanced assessments that consider the unique perspectives and abilities of individual learners.


Requires / leads from

Computer-based assessment of a written assignment involves document analysis, plagiarism detection, and automatic alignment with a grading rubric. This supports educators in efficiently and accurately grading assignments. This method can save time, improve consistency, provide timely feedback, and enhance the overall learning experience for students.


Leads to

Computer-based assessment of a written assignment involves document analysis, plagiarism detection, and auto-alignment with a grading rubric. This process assists educators in efficiently and accurately grading assignments. It can guide learners towards improved understanding, critical thinking, and academic growth.


Typical duration


Learner centricity

Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


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Automated grading of assignment

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