Business or Marketing Campaign

Business or Marketing Campaign
Educators assist learners in creating and showcasing inclusive business or marketing campaigns for products and services. This guidance supports the development of essential skills for effective communication and promotion within the context of business or marketing strategies.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate the 'Business or Marketing Campaign' learning method into your design, start by identifying the learning objectives and audience. Choose a business or marketing campaign that aligns with the topic being taught. Break down the campaign into key components such as target audience, messaging, and channels used. Next, create engaging learning activities inspired by these components. For example, learners could analyze the campaign's target audience to understand how to tailor messages effectively. They could also create their own campaign based on the principles learned. Integrate real-life case studies and examples to provide context and applicability. Encourage learners to think critically about the strategies used in the campaign and how they can be applied in their own work or projects. Finally, assess learner understanding through quizzes, discussions, or assignments that require them to demonstrate their knowledge of the campaign's concepts and their ability to apply them in different scenarios. By using the 'Business or Marketing Campaign' learning method in your design, you can create a practical and immersive learning experience that is relevant and engaging for the educator and the learner.


Suitable for

When the goal is to enhance students' understanding of marketing principles, strategic planning, and implementation of effective marketing campaigns. This method allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills by creating and executing a comprehensive marketing campaign. By engaging in this assessment method, students can learn about market analysis, target audience identification, branding, advertising, and measuring campaign success. It provides them with a real-world experience of working on a marketing team, collaborating, problem-solving, and making data-driven decisions. Overall, this assessment method is conducive to developing critical thinking, creativity, communication, and teamwork skills, making it suitable for higher education or professional development settings.


Unsuitable for

Educators should avoid using Business or Marketing Campaign as a teaching method when it is not practical or suitable for the learners. This approach involves creating and presenting inclusive campaigns for products and services, which can be complex and may not align with the learners' needs or level of understanding. It is important for educators to consider the feasibility and relevance of this method in developing essential skills for communication and promotion within the business or marketing context.


Requires / leads from

Educators support learners in developing and presenting inclusive business or marketing campaigns for products and services. This guidance helps learners acquire vital skills for communicating and promoting effectively in the realm of business or marketing strategies.


Leads to

Educators help learners craft and present inclusive business or marketing campaigns for products and services, fostering vital skills in communication and promotion within business or marketing strategies. This teaching method can pave the way for learners to apply their knowledge practically, preparing them for real-world scenarios and challenges in the field.


Typical duration

Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by



Business or Marketing Campaign

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