Performance feedback

Performance feedback
Provide regular feedback on the professional's performance, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate the 'performance feedback' learning method in your next learning design, begin by setting clear, specific learning objectives for the learner. Develop assessment criteria aligned with these objectives to measure the learner's performance accurately. Next, provide opportunities for the learner to engage in tasks or activities that require them to demonstrate their understanding and skills. During these tasks, offer immediate and constructive feedback to the learner based on their performance. Highlight areas of strength and areas that need improvement. Encourage self-reflection by asking the learner to assess their performance against the criteria provided. Ensure that the feedback is actionable, encouraging the learner to take specific steps to enhance their performance. Repeat this process consistently throughout the learning experience to promote continuous improvement and growth. By utilizing performance feedback in your design, you empower the learner to take ownership of their learning journey and make targeted improvements to achieve their goals effectively.


Suitable for

When students or professionals are seeking to improve their skills and competencies in a practical and real-life setting. This method is most effective when participants can actively engage in hands-on activities or tasks that align with their learning objectives. In higher education, performance feedback can be used in disciplines such as arts, sciences, or engineering, where students need to demonstrate their skills through practical projects or experiments. It allows instructors to provide timely feedback based on the quality of the students' output, helping them identify areas for improvement and develop their abilities. Similarly, in professional development, performance feedback is useful for employees who need to enhance their performance in specific job-related tasks or acquire new skills. It enables supervisors or mentors to observe the employees' work and provide constructive feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, promoting continuous improvement and growth. Overall, the performance feedback assessment method is suitable when learners can showcase their abilities in real-life scenarios to receive personalised feedback for further development.


Unsuitable for

The performance feedback assessment method may be unsuitable in a higher education or professional development learning experience when the focus is on long-term conceptual understanding or subjective skills that cannot be easily quantified or observed. In such cases, where the aim is to encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, or creativity, a more holistic and qualitative assessment approach may be more appropriate. Additionally, if the learning context is characterized by high competition, performance anxiety, or a rigid evaluation culture, the performance feedback method may not foster a supportive and growth-oriented learning environment, thus reducing its suitability.


Requires / leads from

Performance feedback can only be effective when it builds on a foundation of clear goals, ongoing observation of learners' performance, and a supportive learning environment. Before providing feedback, educators should ensure that learners are aware of the specific criteria for success, have had opportunities to practice and demonstrate their skills, and feel comfortable receiving feedback in a constructive and non-judgmental way. This will help learners understand the purpose of the feedback and make meaningful improvements in their performance.


Leads to

Performance feedback can prepare learners for future challenges by acknowledging their strengths and areas for improvement. It can help them set realistic goals, develop a growth mindset, and ultimately improve their skills and performance. Additionally, constructive feedback can lead to increased self-awareness, motivation, and confidence in their abilities, leading to higher levels of success in their future endeavors.


Typical duration

Learner centricity

Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


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Performance feedback

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