Documentation of internship, placement or work experience

Documentation of internship, placement or work experience
This involves the application of knowledge and skills through documenting practical experiences from a form of placement or professional experience.


How to use in a learning design

To incorporate the 'Documentation of internship, placement or work experience' method in your learning design, start by encouraging the learner to maintain a digital or physical portfolio. Have them document their tasks, projects, achievements, challenges faced, and skills gained during their work experience using text, images, videos, and other relevant materials. Next, guide the learner to reflect on their experiences and identify key learnings and areas of growth. This reflection process can be in the form of written reflections, audio recordings, or even video diaries. Furthermore, prompt the learner to connect their work experience to the course curriculum or learning objectives. This helps them contextualize their practical experience within the theoretical framework of their studies. Encourage peer feedback or mentor guidance on their documentation to provide valuable insights and improve their reflective practices. Finally, have the learner present their documentation either through a presentation, report, or online portfolio to showcase their skills and experiences gained during their internship, placement, or work experience. This not only reinforces their learning but also enhances their professional development and future career opportunities.


Suitable for

Documentation of internship, placement, or work experience is suitable for showcasing students' practical application of knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. It provides evidence of their ability to succeed in a professional environment, demonstrates their work ethic, and highlights their achievements to potential employers or academic institutions. It is appropriate to use during job interviews, as part of a portfolio for further education, or when seeking recommendations from supervisors or mentors.


Unsuitable for

Documentation of internship, placement or work experience is unsuitable for academic assessments or evaluations of theoretical knowledge. It is inappropriate to solely rely on this type of documentation to assess a student's understanding of course content that may not have been directly applied in the workplace setting. This type of documentation is better suited for evaluating practical skills, professional behaviors, and application of knowledge in real-world scenarios.


Requires / leads from

Before learners engage in documenting their internship, placement, or work experience, they should have clear learning objectives and goals set for the experience. This helps them focus on specific skills and knowledge they want to gain during the placement, making the documentation process more meaningful and relevant. Additionally, learners should have a solid understanding of the expectations and requirements of the documentation, such as the format, content, and assessment criteria, to ensure that their work meets the necessary standards.


Leads to

Documentation of internship, placement, or work experience can prepare learners for future career opportunities by showcasing their hands-on skills, knowledge, and achievements. This documentation serves as proof of their practical experience and can help them stand out to potential employers in the job market. It can lead to securing a full-time position in their field of interest, building a professional network, and opening doors to advanced career opportunities in the future.


Typical duration

Learner centricity


Delivery compatibility

✓ Face to face
✓ Blended
✓ Hybrid
✓ Online

Technologies required

Learning types

✓ Acquire
✓ Discuss
✓ Collaborate
✓ Investigate
✓ Practice
✓ Produce

Assessed by


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Documentation of internship, placement or work experience

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