Export a learning design into your D2L Brightspace LMS

January 28, 2025


In this article we will cover how to export your Coursensu learning designs and course content into your D2L Brightspace LMS. This is very handy when wanting to transfer reviewed and approved learning content to the LMS, to create a 'course container' or 'shell' for stakeholders or for content migration between platforms. However you want to move your design content to the LMS our export tool will help you prepare it quickly and easily.

This approach requires a connection with your Brightspace LMS (see related articles) and the permissions in your Brightspace account to create, or modify, courses (sometimes called org units in Brightspace).

The export format can create the following course content: 

  • Sections
  • Pages (and their content)
  • Files (such as images and embedded videos)
  • Quiz containers
  • Discussion forums
  • Assignments / Dropboxes

Note: This feature requires a Coursensu Team plan.

Image-based walkthrough (scroll for video)

Step: Select a learning design that is ready to move into Brightspace LMS (not shown)

Step: Select the 'Edit the design details' icon on the left toolbar (bottom icon)

Opening the 'Details' screen from within your learning design

Step: Select the 'Integrations' tab

The learning design Details screen
The Integrations options screen

Step: Change the Delivery platform (for export) to 'D2L' from the options provided

Selecting 'D2L' from the integration platforms dropdown menu

Step: Select the 'Export' icon from the left toolbar

Select the 'Export' icon from the left toolbar

Step: Select 'Brightspace' from the Export options

Selecting Brightspace from the options presented

Step: Search for the existing course you wish to import your design content into from your list of Brightspace enrollments

Select, or search, for an existing Brightspace course
Browsing all of your Brightspace enrolments

Step: Select the 'Start export to Brightspace' button - this beings the export to Brightspace process. It can take 1-2 minutes.

Selecting a Brightspace course - in this example 'How to Teach Online' has been selected

Step: Browse to Brightspace and review the imported course content

Your learning design, and course content, are now in Brightspace

Video walkthrough of the learning design to Brightspace LMS export process

Outcome: Completed! You have now exported your learning design and added it into your Brightspace.

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