As a learning designer, when you want your learners to apply the 'Modify' level of Bloom's Taxonomy, you can prompt them with questions like "What would you change about?" to encourage critical thinking and creative problem-solving. To incorporate 'Modify' in your design, follow these steps: 1. Present the learners with a scenario or problem that requires them to think about possible changes or improvements. 2. Encourage them to analyze the current situation and identify areas that could be modified for better outcomes. 3. Ask specific questions using the stem "What would you change about" to guide them in rethinking the existing elements. 4. Challenge the learners to propose modifications, explain their rationale, and predict the impact of these changes. 5. Provide opportunities for learners to discuss and justify their modified solutions with peers or through an activity. By integrating the 'Modify' level in your learning design, you can enhance the learners' higher-order thinking skills and foster a deeper understanding of the content. This approach promotes innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities among learners.
What would you change about
Learners modify an existing text, design, or concept, adapting it to a different context or audience, practicing adaptability and creative thinking.