In your next learning design, you can incorporate the 'Observe' component of Blooms Taxonomy by prompting learners to actively watch, examine, and note their surroundings or a specific scenario. Encourage them to use their senses to take in information and details. To integrate this into your design, ask questions like "What can you see?" to guide learners in their observation process. Encourage them to pay attention to visual cues, body language, patterns, or any other relevant details that can aid their learning. By engaging in observation, learners can develop their ability to analyze situations, make connections, and draw conclusions based on evidence. This active process can enhance their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Including 'Observe' in your learning activities can provide a hands-on and interactive approach to learning, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Encouraging learners to observe and reflect on their observations can help solidify their knowledge and enhance their overall learning experience. Keywords: Blooms Taxonomy, observe, learning design, how to use, what can you see, cognitive domain, active learning, critical thinking.
What can you see
Learners closely examine real-world phenomena, collect data, and record their observations, promoting keen observation skills and empirical understanding.