In your next learning design, you can incorporate the 'Contextualise' verb by asking your learners to relate the new information to their own experiences or real-world examples. This can help them deepen their understanding and see the relevance of what they are learning. You can use the question stem "Where would you place" followed by the key concept or idea you want them to contextualize. For example, "Where would you place the concept of teamwork in a project you have worked on?" Encourage learners to reflect on how the concept or skill being taught can be applied in their personal or professional lives. By providing specific scenarios or situations for them to consider, you can guide them in making connections between the content and their own experiences. This will not only enhance their comprehension but also make the learning more meaningful and memorable. Remember to prompt them to explain their reasoning behind their placements to further deepen their understanding. Contextualising content in this way can help foster a more authentic and engaging learning experience for your learners.
Where would you place