Incorporate the 'Assimilate' action verb from Bloom's Taxonomy into your next learning design by asking open-ended questions that encourage learners to connect new information with what they already know. One way to do this is by using the question stem 'Considering what you know, can you...' followed by a prompt that challenges learners to apply their existing knowledge to the current topic. This method helps learners assimilate new concepts by relating them to their prior understanding, fostering a deeper level of comprehension. By guiding learners to make these connections, educators can enhance the assimilation process and support a more holistic understanding of the subject matter. Utilize this approach in your instructional materials to promote critical thinking and reinforce the integration of new information into existing cognitive frameworks. Optimize your learning design by leveraging the power of assimilation to enhance knowledge retention and application in your educational content.
Considering what you know, can you