To incorporate 'Probe' in your learning design, the educator can ask open-ended questions using the question stem 'Can you find.' Start by preparing questions that require learners to think critically, analyze information, and demonstrate understanding. Encourage them to apply knowledge in real-world scenarios, solve problems, or make connections between concepts. Prompt learners with questions like "Can you find a new solution to this problem?" to foster creativity, or "Can you find the cause of this effect?" to develop analytical skills. By probing, educators can gauge comprehension, encourage deeper thinking, and spark discussions among learners. These questions can be used during class discussions, group activities, or assessments to assess higher-order thinking skills and promote active learning. Remember to provide guidance and feedback to support learners as they navigate through the probing questions. By incorporating probing techniques in your learning design, you can enhance engagement, promote critical thinking, and deepen understanding among your learners.
Can you find
Task learners with posing insightful questions in order to explore a complex topic more deeply. This fosters curiosity, critical thinking, and effective questioning skills.