To utilize the 'Perceive' cognitive process in your learning design, start by incorporating activities that prompt learners to observe and identify information. Use the question stem "What do you think you saw" to encourage learners to reflect on their observations and interpretations. Include visuals, case studies, or real-life examples that require learners to pay attention to details and make sense of the presented information. This can help develop their ability to recognize patterns, distinguish key elements, and make initial predictions in a given context. By engaging learners in activities that focus on perception, you are laying the foundation for higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and evaluation. Remember to provide constructive feedback to guide learners in refining their perceptions and interpretations. By incorporating the 'Perceive' aspect into your learning design, you will help learners sharpen their observational skills and enhance their ability to make informed judgments and decisions. Improve your learning design with the 'Perceive' cognitive process to support learners in developing critical thinking skills.
What do you think you saw